Friday, November 12, 2010

Gen 4 Ch 2

Dayna's pregnancy was an easy one, and as usual, she spent most of her time on her laptop. It made Rocky nervous, but she enjoyed the fireplace, and almost always had a roaring fire going.

Rocky had just walked in the door from practice, when Dayna went into labor.
"Eww, Rocky, you stink. Go take a shower quick before we go - don't worry, we have plenty of time. I'll just put the fire out quick while you wash."

Rocky had barely finished showering when he heard terrified screams coming from the living room, and the smoke alarm was blaring.
He quickly dialed the fire department.

He pulled out the fire extinguisher and yelled at Dayna to run, but Dayna didn't move. Shortly after, he heard a loud wail. What a time for Opal to pick to enter this world!

Now Dayna was running, and not a moment too soon.

Rocky had the fire nearly under control by the time the firefighters arrived.
"That was a close one, Mr. Moonstone. You need to be more careful with your fireplace!"
Rocky couldn't have agreed more.

"Oh, Dayna, I'm so glad you and Opal are alright. All I could think about was what happened to my mother just after Ruby and I were born. Listen, I really want to just take the fireplace out altogether, it's just unlucky to keep it, don't you think?"
Dayna was still trembling. "Whatever you want, Rocky."

They decided to redecorate while they were at it - no more red and black, now it was all Rocky and Dayna's favorite colors - Violet and Lavender.
"I love it! This is so great, isn't it Rocky?"

Rocky agreed.
"It's beautiful. You did great on the decorating sweetie. And now that we are all settled again, I have something to ask you..."

"Okay, hon, but wait just a sec, let me check the stove again."
Ever since the fire, Dayna had taken to checking the stove at least a dozen times a day.

She turned back to Rocky just in time to see him with a small box in his hand.

Rocky was so nervous he could barely get the words out.
"W-will you marry me?"

"Oh Rocky!"

"Of course I will!"

They were married in a private ceremony in the back yard.

"I love you so much, Day.. I never want to lose you."
"Oh, Rocky! I love you too."

Opal was growing like a weed, and such a friendly little girl - she never met anyone she didn't like. And Sinbad's genes were still showing through in that dark red hair.

Dayna was such a good mom, teaching Opal to walk and talk, even letting her push the keys on the computer, under strict supervision, of course.

Even Jada was smitten with little Opal, and offered to babysit every chance she could. Jada had never had any children of her own, but she took to being a grandma like a duck to water.

Even as Rocky's life was taking this turn for the better, Ruby seemed to be on a down-spiral. She was gaining quite the reputation in town, both for her odd behavior, and her revolving-door love life. Every week it seemed, Rocky would receive a call about her.
"Your sister is arguing with the movie posters again, can you convince her to leave? She's scaring away the customers!"

One day, after receiving a phone call that Ruby was swimming in the fountain at the park, he grabbed Opal and went to convince her to go home. There she was, in her swimsuit, talking to someone only she could see. And she was heavily pregnant...

Rocky was determined this time not to get caught up in her madness, especially since he had Opal there with him. So he diverted her attention by asking about the baby. She glanced back and forth secretively.
"Don't tell anyone, but I was abducted by aliens. I'm pretty sure they did this to me."
"You know, Ruby, why don't you come with me to dad and Jada's? You could stay there till the baby comes. Jada loves babies, I bet she'd be happy to help you with him."

It took a lot of convincing, but in the end, Rocky got her to agree to at least come and talk to Jada.
"Of course, Ruby dear, you are always welcome here... Oh my, an alien baby? How interesting. Of course we would love for you and your baby to stay with us."
Jada seemed to know just what to say, and Ruby soon agreed to stay. Rocky breathed a sigh of relief as he returned home.

Jada called as soon as little Andre was born, and Rocky hurried over to visit. He was relieved to see that Andre was just a normal, beautiful baby, and not an alien at all.
"How's Ruby doing?"
"Oh, same old Ruby. You know, out to all hours of the night, a different guy every day. I'm so glad you brought her to us, Rocky. I'm not sure what would have become of little Andre without your dad and I taking charge of him."
Rocky snuggled his little nephew again, before taking his leave.
"Oh, I almost forgot! It's Opal's birthday tomorrow. Come to the party?"
"Of course, see you tomorrow then Rocky."

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