Monday, February 14, 2011

Gen 4 Ch 4

Rocky was on his way over to check up on Ruby and Andre. Jasper and Jada had sadly passed on, and Ruby had moved into an apartment downtown with some artist.

Ruby was surprisingly lucid for once.
"Alexy and I are getting married! Can you believe it? And I got accepted into flight training at the military base!"

"Hey there, Andre! How's it going?"
"Great, Uncle Rocky. I'm gonna have a daddy! Alexy is a super great artist, he's gonna teach me how to paint!"

Rocky was meeting all kinds of new people through his celebrity connections.
"Dayna, Opal, meet Vlad. He owns a shipping business here in Bridgeport, and just recently acquired a part ownership of the stadium."
Friendly Opal was quick to greet her dad's guest, but Dayna felt prickles of alarm up and down her spine.

Dayna had heard there were vampires in the city, but she never expected to see one in her house, conversing with her daughter no less.

"Excuse me while I go check the sink real quick.."

"Sorry about that, Vlad. My wife gets a little emotional sometimes. Don't take it personally."

Dayna was still shaky the next day, so Rocky took her out for a relaxing evening in town. Things started out slow.
"No more vampires in the house, Rocky. Promise me."
"I'm sorry, Day. He seemed like such a nice guy. But you're right, I promise."

"I wonder if I can make flaming drinks like this?"
"I bet you can, Day. You should try."

After a few drinks, Dayna was ready to shake things up on the dance floor.

Rocky signed a few autographs.

And Dayna collected a new autograph from her favorite actress.  Dayna was so excited at this, that all was forgiven. And Rocky made sure to screen his house guests more carefully from then on.

Opal was doing well in school. She even signed up for piano lessons.

But her heart was still in fashion design, and she spent hours at her drafting table, sketching her latest creations.

"Thanks for having me over for dinner, Opal."
Opal had brought a new friend home from school.
"Be nice to him, daddy," she had warned her father earlier. "Jett has had a hard life, but he's really sweet underneath, once you get to know him. And he's a really good musician, wait 'til you hear him play."

"We've been friends for a long time now, right Jett?"
"You're the best friend I've even had. When I'm with you I forget how much my dad hates me."
"You know, for my fashion class final exam, I need to do a make-over on somebody, with before and after photos. I was wondering if you..." Opal hesitated. She knew how attached Jett was to his "look".
"Anything for you, Opal. Just.. nothing too drastic?"

"Hmm, let's see, what if I comb your hair back from your face. And tone down the purple lip gloss.

"There, I'm finished. What do you think?"
"I .. I think I like it. It's gonna take some getting used to."
"I can change it back if you want, after I get the pic. But I like being able to see your handsome face."
Jett frowned at that.
"I'm not handsome. I'm way too skinny, and kinda goofy looking."

"I like you just the way you are. And I don't think you're goofy looking at all."
"Thanks, Opal. You know.. I really like you a lot."
I really like you a lot, too, Jett."


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