Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gen 10 Ch 4

Crystal yanked the lever on the slot machine down in one smooth practiced motion, watching the spinning icons in high anticipation. It was a good way to relax before beginning her show.

Luck wasn't with her today, though.

She gave the machine a swift kick before heading off to the dressing room. She smiled a little as the machine spit a coin out onto the floor. At least she would break even. 

Her act was becoming quite popular with the regulars at the casino. One day the proprietor of the local coffee house was there, and invited her to sing at his place.

Her act was so well received that the proprietor paid her 1000 simoleons and invited her to come back any time. As she sang, her eyes were on the Big Show Arena across the street. Someday, she thought, she'd be singing there on the big stage.

But for now, the casino was still sending her out on those awful sing-a-grams. At least she was good enough now not to have to wear that terrible outfit.

Sometimes she'd compete in the Simfest at the local park. She always won first place. Her fame was spreading now, and she branched out to perform in other local venues - Mike's Karaoke and the Port-a-Party Mini Warehouse both were clamoring for her act. 

Shani and Elliot were still a couple, a fact that Naomi was not pleased about in the least. She still didn't have a boyfriend. In fact, she had no friends at all.

Her hotheadedness, combined with the usual teenage angst, lead to frequent arguments over pretty much nothing.

The years flew by, and baby Zircon grew into an adorable toddler. He inherited his grandmother's dark purple hair.

Crystal finished up her performance at the Mini Warehouse early the night of Onyx's birthday. She rushed home in time to cheer her baby on as Jack helped him blow out his candles.

Onyx was not too pleased that mom and dad were more engrossed in each other than him on his big day.

"Naomi, I need you to babysit tomorrow night, alright? I have the night off from work and your dad and I want to have a date night."
"It's not fair, why can't Shani do it?"
"Because, she's already had a date planned with Elliot for weeks now."
"Oh, all right," Naomi replied grumpily.
Crystal didn't understand what her problem was. She didn't have any plans, and she was getting paid. She chalked it up to being a teenager.

So the next evening, Naomi stayed home with the boys...

...while Shani and Elliot sang karaoke...

...and Crystal and Jack hit the black jack tables at the casino. Crystal had always avoided the tables, since she didn't know how to play. Tonight Jack was going to teach her.
"Okay, hit me!"
"Um.. why do you want him to hit you?"
"Haha.. it means to give me a card. Okay now it's your turn."

"Yes, I win!"
Crystal still wasn't too sure about the whole thing. She liked the slots better.

The next morning Crystal's phone rang just as she was about to leave for the casino.
"Hello, is this Crystal Flame?"
"Yes, that is my stage name. How can I help you?"
"I'm calling from Bridgeport. We'd like you to open for one of our big shows next week. I have plane tickets ready for you if you can make it."
Crystal was beyond excited until it registered that the show would be in Bridgeport.

"I don't think I can go, Jack. Remember what my mom told me? Beware of Bridgeport? What am I going to do? It's such a huge opportunity."

"Come on, sweetheart. It's been years since we've seen or heard of Pascal. There's no way we're going to run into him in Bridgeport. You deserve this chance, and I'll be right there with you. Call them back and tell them we'll all be there tomorrow."
"Alright then, I will."

But the next morning, right before they were going to leave for the airport, Jack got a call from his assistant down at the Elixir Shop.
"Jack, when I arrived here this morning, the glass on the front door was broken. Someone broke in here last night! I called the  police, they are on their way!"

"What's missing? Have you checked?"
"Yes," the girl replied. "It looks like whoever did it was looking for very specific items. Our whole inventory of flasks of potent sleep are gone, and.. and.. the special cabinet was broken into - where we lock up the rare potions. The only thing missing from there is the bottled vampire's bite. The most expensive one we have."
Jack groaned when he heard that. It had taken him years to find the ingredients and perfect that elixir, and he had a special customer in Moonlight Falls lined up that was willing to pay a premium price. He called Crystal and told her to go ahead to Bridgeport without him, he would follow when he could.

It was late that night when Crystal checked into the rooms the theater had reserved for them. The decor was nothing to get excited about, as far as Crystal was concerned, but Shani thought it was 'cool'. Naomi was in one of her moods, and complained about not being allowed to go out exploring the town right then.
"You can go out with Dad when he gets here. It's too dangerous to go out alone," Crystal tried to explain.

Crystal sent them all off to bed, and tucked little Zircon into the crib that had been generously provided for them.

But Crystal lay awake for hours, missing Jack and worrying about her mother's warning. The room didn't help her mood. she idly wondered who had decorated the place, with drab grey walls and blood red carpets. Finally her jet lag caught up with her, and she drifted off into a restless sleep.

She awoke surprisingly refreshed the next morning. The sun was glinting off the ocean, and the city streets were already yellow with taxis. The worries of the night before seemed like a bad dream. It was time to head to the theater for her first practice session.

She reminded the girls that they both were to stay in the apartment with their little brothers until she returned.
"Remember. Keep the door locked. Don't open it for anyone but your father. He should be here early this afternoon. I'll be at the theater all day if you need me."
"Aw, Mom. Noooo. Pleaasssee let me go out. What's the use of going to the big city if I have to stay cooped up in here all day."

Crystal insisted, even though she knew it would cause a scene, and it did.
"It's not fair. I never get to do what I want!"

Crystal finally extracted a promise out of her, and a begrudging, 'Fine, whatever', and reminded the girls that there was mac and cheese in the fridge for lunch, and headed off to the theater.

She was in awe when she arrived at the big show venue. It was with some trepidation that she walked inside and announced to the receptionist that Crystal Flame was here for the rehearsal.

It turned out she had nothing to worry about. The rehearsal director was impressed with her talent, and most of the rehearsal was spent getting everyone else to to what they were supposed to do. Still the process did take all day, and she was exhausted when she sank into the back seat of the taxi to check her phone on the way back to the hotel.
There were several messages. One from Jack, saying his flight was delayed a few hours, he should be there around dinner time. And several missed calls from Shani, who never left a message.

All she wanted to do when she got back was to pour herself a drink and sit down in front of the TV for an hour. But instead, she was met at the door by a very worried Shani.
"Mom. I don't know where Naomi is. She left right after you did this morning. Said she was going out exploring. I thought she'd be back before now, but she's not. She's gone."


  1. Oh dear, why do I have a very strong suspicion that I know exactly who broke into the potions shop? And now Naomi's run off and disappeared... *chews nails*

  2. Oh no! I hope Naomi is alright! She's a stubborn one that's for sure, hopefully Crystal and Jack won't receive any bad news..
