Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gen 1 Ch 2

Rolls Update for Generation 2:
Single Adoptive Parent
2 children
Architect Career
Perfect Career
Randomly Rolled Traits

Independent as always, Garnet worked right up to the time of her first contraction, then drove herself to the hospital.  She hadn't seen Sinbad since that night at the dump, and debated calling him, but decided against it.

Just as the contractions were starting to get rough, who should show up in her room but Sinbad, looking completely out of breath.
"Oh, good, looks like I'm in time!"
"How did you know?"
He just winked at her. "I have my informants too, ya know."
Just then another contraction hit, and she was glad to have someone there to hold her hand.
It was a long, difficult labor, but in the end it was all worth it when little Amber entered the world.

Sinbad insisted on taking her home, and making sure that she and Amber were settled in, and Garnet was too tired to argue. He was very quiet and serious the whole way home.

Amber's crib was set up in the kitchen, that being the only place in the tiny apartment that it would fit.
Garnet was exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to fall into bed.
"Thanks again, Sin. I don't think I coulda done it without you."
She leaned on him a little to keep her balance with the fatigue, and he pulled her into a hug, and whispered in her ear.
"You need anything at all, ya let me know, 'kay?"
 As he walked out the door, she looked after him in astonishment. Was this the same Sinbad the whole town knew and ... well, hated?  She knew he had a reputation for having something of a mean streak, and every other day it seemed there was news of another brawl involving him, but she had never actually seen that side of him - yet.

Amber didn't seem to mind sleeping in the kitchen, but Garnet minded, even though Amber was such a heavy sleeper nothing short of an earthquake would wake her up. So Garnet was on the phone the day after the birth. And shortly thereafter, a horde of workmen showed up to build Garnet's dream home. The apartment was turned back into the garage it originally had been, and in a few short weeks, the house was ready. There was no money left for landscaping, but she could add that later.

She moved all her furniture in, but the place still looked empty. Oh well, Garnet thought, we have what we need, the rest can come later.

It was Garnet's first day back to work, and she could hardly bear it. Amber was still so little, and Garnet hadn't realized the depth of love she could feel for this tiny sim. But, there were bills to be payed, and no one but her to pay them, so she arranged for a babysitter.

She was more than a bit concerned when the babysitter turned out to be a mop-haired teenage boy named Emanuel Cobb, but the agency assured her that he was a competent sitter. And indeed, whenever she arrived home, Amber was always clean, fed and happy. And as the months passed, it was obvious that Amber adored him, so Garnet could work with her mind at ease.

True to his promise, Sinbad visited frequently, and of course he was there for Amber's first birthday. Amber was so shy, she cried whenever there was a room full of people. So it was just the three of us.

Amber not only had her daddy's complexion, but she also had his facial features. The only thing she inherited from her mommy was the violet color of her eyes.

Sinbad bought her a doll house for her birthday, and Amber absolutely loved it. She would spent hours rearranging the furniture and playing "pretend" with the little dolls. Garnet was grateful for the gift, she knew the it was expensive, and she never could have afforded it herself.

She had bought Amber a pegboard, hoping to instill some of her logical nature in her daughter, but it only seemed to frustrate her. She much prefered playing with her "dollies".

Emanuel was still a fixture at the house every day, and Amber would come running to greet him.
"Manneeee!! Pway dowwies, Mannee!"
"Say bye bye to mommy, Amber."
"Bye bye mommy!"

Every evening when Garnet returned, she would sweep Amber up in her arms and hold her tight.
"I missed you sweetie."
Amber was the light of her life.

No more evenings and weekends doing paperwork, now there was potty training...

....and Saturday morning storytime at the library.

But one day the happy routine came to a screeching halt.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Moonstone, Emanuel has graduated and is no longer available in the work-study babysitting program. We are sending another sitter, Angela Storie."
Amber was beside herself. She really had a hard time with new faces.
"Nooooo! Go 'way!  Want Manneeeee!"
"Don't worry, Ms. Moonstone, Amber and I will be fine."
Garnet did worry, but what could she do? The bills had to be paid. It took weeks, but Amber finally warmed up to Angela, and Garnet was pleased that Angela even taught Amber how to work that blasted pegboard.

In fact, when Garnet asked Amber who she wanted at her birthday party, she was adamant.
"Just Angie, mommy! That's all."
Garnet was hoping Sinbad would show up, but she wasn't holding her breath. He had stopped coming by suddenly about a year ago, and she hadn't seem him since. She had tried to call him about the birthday party, but his phone was disconnected.

So Amber puckered her little lips and blew out her candles, while Angie cheered her on.
"Make a wish!"

"I wish... I wish.....I wish my daddy would come back..."
Garnet smiled at her with tears in her eyes.
"Me too, sweetie. I hope your wish comes true."
But inwardly she sighed. She really didn't think it would happen.

Amber still loved her dollhouse, and the day after her birthday she was so intent on planning decorating scenarios that she never heard the doorbell. Garnet went to answer the door.

Her eyes widened when she saw who was standing there.
"Uh, hi...."


  1. I am loving this legacy so far. I so hope you make it through all 10 gens. I have a feeling I'll be up all night reading this.

  2. Reading through this for the second time and the comment still stands.
