Monday, April 11, 2011

Gen 5 Ch 4

"Come on, Emmie, practice dancing with me. I don't want to look silly at Peri's birthday party tomorrow. All his high school friends will be there!"
"I guess.. just for a bit, then I want to finish my book."

"Now aren't you glad I made you practice, Em? Look at all the cute guys! Who is that dancing with Aubrey, anyway?"
Emerald shrugged. Her brother's friends didn't interest her all that much. She could hardly wait to get back to the next chapter in her newest Dragon Quest book.

It was a big deal for Peri, though, so she stayed and danced with her sister. She adored her big brother.

She and Jade cheered the loudest of anyone, as Peri blew out his candles and grew up.

The party was winding down when Peri approached Opal with a request.
"Mom, can I borrow your car? The girls want to take me out for a while to celebrate."
"Of course dear. Drive careful. Have fun you three!"

Opal rolled over in bed and squinted at the clock. 2:30 in the morning and Peri wasn't back yet?

Worried, she got up to call Peri's cell. No answer. She hated to wake up the Smyth's, but she was really concerned by now.
"I'm sorry, Opal. Aubrey and Lauren have been home for hours. We haven't seen Peri tonight."
As she stood there scanning her address book for someone who might know where Peri was, she was relieved to hear the familiar sound of her VFN pulling into the drive.

Rushing down the stairs, she stopped short to see Peri sheepishly stepping in the front door - in a uniform.
'Hi mom. I joined the air force."

"I was so worried! Why didn't you call? It's three in the morning!"

"I'm really sorry about that. I decided on the spur of the moment after Lauren and Aubrey broke up with me. They wanted me to choose between them, but I didn't want to. I'm not ready for a steady relationship yet. I want to have some fun, see the world, learn to fly a plane! Maybe even be an astronaut someday!
"They let me go for a few hours to get my stuff, and say goodbye, then I'm off to basic training."
Opal was shocked, but what could she say? What was done was done, and all she could do was support him in his decision.

She got everyone up at the crack of dawn to say goodbye to Peri.
"Bye mom, I love you."
'Take care, Peri, and don't forget to call. I am so proud of you."

"Bye Emmie, bye Jade. I'll come visit as soon as I can. You two be good for mom and dad."

"Thanks for understanding, Dad. I know it's not what you hoped for me, but I promise I'll make you proud."
"I'm already proud of you, son. You know, my dad never forgave me for following a different path than his, but I won't make that same mistake. I'm sure you be the best pilot out there."
"Thanks, Dad. I have to go now, don't want to be late."
Everyone waved as he fired up his bike, and rode away.

A few months later, Opal was surprised to receive an invitation from the mayor. She was to receive an award for her contributions to the city's reputation for fashion.
"You've really put Bridgeport on the map when it come to fashion, Opal. In appreciation of your work, I present you with this key to the city."
The mayor went on for quite some time, and Jett stifled a yawn.

Finally the ceremony was over, and Jett joined in the applause as Opal shook the mayor's hand.

"Don't go back to work quite yet. Can you take a long lunch today?"
"Sure, I didn't schedule any clients until this afternoon. What did you have in mind?"
"Wait and see!"

"What do you think?"
"Oh, Jett, this is perfect! What a nice surprise."

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
"Mmmm maybe once or twice," Jett grinned.


Before they knew, it was birthday time again. Emerald and Jade were ecstatic that Peri had gotten leave to join them. Always the serious one, Emerald went first.

It was uncanny how much she looked like Jett.

Unlike her sister, Jade cheered herself heartily as she blew out her candles.

It never ceased to amaze Opal how her twins could be so different from each other.

True to form, Emerald pulled out a book as soon as she finished her cake.

"Hey Trent. you sure are looking handsome tonight. Thanks for coming to my party. Wanna dance?"
And Jade spent the evening true to form as well.

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